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Python - Programming - Most sought after languages in 2020

Python is a simple programming language which can build both web and mobile applications. You can code them for very complex data science to very advanced scientific applications. It has more libraries which can be used for various applications. Yes, though it has its own limitations - it is still a simpler language which can be your first language to learn.

Why you need to know Python? It is a simple language which is the most common scripting language which is used in data science applications to robotic functions.You can import libraries into scripts or write your own commands. Major companies like Amazon, Instagram, Facebook, Spotify use Python framework.

It is simpler than C+ and faster in the development cycle which means it is faster to test and deploy. Everyone prefers Python as it has simpler syntax and code readability which means anyone with minimal knowledge can review the code. Overall, it is easy to use - powerful and is a great choice for beginners.

Yes, the code execution is little slow than other languages as it executes in runtime. The major advantage is that you can use it for any ML and AI because of its simplicity, flow and can be executed without any compiler.

It could be your first hands on learning in writing code!.

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Study as if you were to live forever, Live as if you were do die tomorrow. - Mahatma Gandhi