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Patience is a Virtue, Blessing in Disguise

Based on the research done in Wales by University of Canterbury - who studied more than 400 managerial or leadership personalities for their inbuilt skill set to to drive the team and achieve better results - we are going to focus on few things which are painful but is a blessing anyone in the leadership role to be more effective.

Apart from expecting results on a given timeline - the traits include interpersonal skills, technical knowledge and the ability to be conceptual. What plays more stressful is to be patient to see the expected results from your team member or associate or any subordinate. Everything has its own time, even when you try so hard. There is always things which you cannot control - which are beyond your bones and flesh. - The Waiting Period which enables you to learn to be patient.

This again has crucial impact on your career, family and social well being. There are things which your academic qualification cannot give nor your past experience. It is always going to be the current situation. There will be few things which will test your patience - which you have never come across anytime before. This is the challenge.

You cannot arrive at any decision - because there are no transparent facts to support the delay. You have to solely rely on your intuition - where all your stake holders are against your belief, you will not find any support from your leaders nor your sub ordinates. You will not be getting any support from the clients nor from the board members.

This is what exactly happened to Steve Jobs, when he was fired from his own company. This is what exactly happened to Steve Balmer during the massive Windows Mobile which did not get the desired results. Of course - both have learnt from what happened. But imagine the state of mind which they would have gone through - Windows Phone failed inspite of all the Big Markets and Consulting Firm Forcasted its market share only next to Apple.

This makes you travel along the path which you have never tread before. Here is what you learn - you learn to be patient. This is the phase of enlightenment - there is something that happens in you - you may call it super natural - but science can explain it all. This phase gives you new energy, new ideas, new focus, and will take you further into re-visioning your whole purpose. This waiting period - gets you to have more perseverance and patience. I am not saying that it is not going to be painful. Of course - it is painful but this virtue is blessing with the painful disguise.

If you are going through it now - hold on - sooner you will see the light on the other side of the tunnel - where everything will be better that what was before. 

Study as if you were to live forever, Live as if you were do die tomorrow. - Mahatma Gandhi